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Digital journeys are no longer a mystery.

Utilize your website and company apps to build real-time insight from your customers digital journeys.
Learn how you can use your most powerful assets to collect feedback.

Forsta Digital Feedbacks help you turn digital journeys into real-time insights. Your website and your company’s apps, can be a powerful source for collecting feedback.

Your desktop website & mobile web:

With Forsta, you can launch unobtrusive, highly-targeted intercept surveys that work on any device (desktop, mobile, etc.), displayed according to your requirements, encouraging visitors to provide the feedback you need. Forsta’s digital technology is flexible, allowing you to leverage a wide variety of survey types and features. Best of all, managing it is easy so you don’t have to rely on web developers every time you need a change.

Your business is unique and can be demanding. Your needs are sophisticated. And you need a DIY solution that makes the complex, simple. That solution is Forsta. We recognize that your Digital channels are a powerful force representing the brand, driving sales, and engaging customers. But did you know they can do a whole lot more? They are also a great place to collect the data you need to better understand customers, prospects, markets, and employees.

Your apps:

Forsta’s Mobile SDK allows you to easily embed feedback collection into your mobile apps. We’ve designed this SDK to be fast, easy, flexible, and lightweight with minimal impact on your existing app. And, you have the power to choose how you deploy your SDK solution. You can choose an easy, lightweight web view-based solution, or a fully native visual solution that allows for unparalleled flexibility and embedding of feedback surveys with app content.

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