Home Digital Feedback – abc home Digital Feedback – abc delivery

Turn digital journeys into real-time insights

What are the benefits?

  • Show website visitors and app users that you care about their feedback in a way that is consistent with your brand image.
  • Collect rich, real-time feedback while reducing your reliance on developers.
  • Accurately profile your website visitors and app users to learn how you can improve their experience.
  • Uncover insights in real time so you can take immediate action.
  • Easily combine your digital feedback with feedback collected from other channels to support your omni-channel strategy.
  • Integrate data from other business systems, such as your CRM, to benefit from a holistic view of your.

With Digital Feedback you can collect feedback on:

  • Website or app usability
  • Transaction and overall satisfaction
  • Exit/cart abandonment
  • Messaging or campaign feedback
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