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How can you ensure action will be taken on the digital feedback you receive?

  • Tactical action: This refers to following up or closing the loop on individual customer issues. These are quick wins that help employees see that the customer experience is everybody’s job and show customers you care about their feedback.
  • Strategic action: Some issues are big, deep rooted and require sizable organizational changes supported by cross-functional teams to correct. While these types of action will take much more time to implement, they usually drive big results.

    The most successful programs have a healthy mix of tactical and strategic action. Forsta’s Actions Module makes it easy for teams to take action on insights at both the tactical and strategic levels.
  • Forsta Action Management makes it easy for you to close the loop quickly. It automatically monitors your customer feedback for you and assigns issues to the correct department or individual based on configurable rules tailored to your unique business needs.
  • Forsta Action Planner is a collaborative tool that helps you organize, launch, and monitor strategic action initiatives. It can also help you identify tried and true, best practice actions to address your company’s challenges. As a collaborative tool, Action Planner is well equipped to provide recommended best practice actions along.

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